Preparing IRS End Users for Technology Deployments

As the face of IT to more than 85,000 Internal Revenue Service employees and contractors, the User and Network Services group delivers new and enhanced technology tools and solutions. Our team is an integral member of the technology adoption PMO and has produced the strategy and communications that prepare internal end users for new technology deployments such as Windows 10 and 7, and the Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus suite of applications.

We develop targeted marketing, awareness, and end-user messaging that is uniquely crafted for segments of the employee population such as remote workers, assistive technology users and executives. The result? Improved communication flows, positive changes in technology adoption behavior, increased self-help, and a reduction in help desk calls.

Key Takeaway: “I want to personally thank you for all the hard work you do to keep our end users informed, our project teams on the right track and our engagement programs top notch. You, at all times, are high-class and high-quality individuals who bring heart and passion to the high-quality products and services we deliver.”—Department of Treasury client

Learn more about our Technology & Innovation services and Organizational Change Management.

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