Mayors Adapt: Initiative to Promote Climate Change Adaptation in Cities

How the Mayors Adapt Initiative will reach the goals of the European climate adaptation strategy

Client: EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy
Partner: Ecofys, Fresh Thoughts, Climate Alliance, CEMR, EUROCITIES


Building on the success of the Covenant of Mayors on climate change mitigation, the European Commission started the Mayors Adapt Initiative to reach the goals of the European adaptation strategy. This pan-European initiative supported cities in their activities in climate change adaptation, promoted the exchange of knowledge between cities, and provided a platform for cities to present their activities. Signatory cities developed separate climate change adaptation plans or integrated them into existing policies and plans. They were supported by the initiative in their work with expert knowledge and specific tools.

As part of a European consortium, ifok was responsible for all communications activities for the pan-European project. This included central communications and press-related tasks (website development, public relations work at the European level, social media communications) as well as the support of cities in their decentral public relations work (e.g., development of guidelines, provision of materials, training, and managing inquiries). Furthermore, ifok was responsible for all events within the project, from its conception to its implementation.

These included:

  • Workshops with city representatives from across Europe with the purpose of a detailed conception of the initiative and assessing city needs.
  • A high-level launch event in Brussels with European Commissioner for Climate Action, several mayors, stakeholders, and the press, among others.
  • A pan-European conference for the signatory cities and mayors with high-ranking representatives of the European Institutions and a festive ceremony for the signing.

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