Feasibility and Implications of Electric Vehicle Deployment and Infrastructure Development

Cadmus helped evaluate how existing infrastructure, programs, and practices can better facilitate the use of electric vehicles.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that supports state and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the nation’s highway system and highways on various federal and tribal lands. The Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty (HEP) serves as FHWA’s advocate and national leader for:

  • Environmental protection and enhancement
  • Comprehensive intermodal and multimodal transportation planning
  • The fair and prudent acquisition and management of real property


The increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) in the United States has promising potential to help Americans reduce energy costs, lower emissions, and increase energy security, but implementing this technology comes with many uncertainties. To better prepare for the future financial implications, safety planning, and infrastructure development needs associated with EVs, FHWA and its state and local partners need to better understand the potential impact EVs will have on the mission of FHWA in the short and long term.

Cadmus led, with support from a team of specialty subcontractors, a research project to evaluate the prospects and expectations for deployment of EVs in the United States and the resulting impacts to FHWA and state and local transportation agencies.


In the course of our research, we have conducted:

  • Expert interviews with representatives from state departments of transportation, other government agencies, EV manufacturers, EV supply equipment manufacturers and operators, industry stakeholders, nongovernmental organizations, utilities, academia, and research institutions
  • A series of interviews with federal agency staff involved in related programs and initiatives, including experts from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), and others
  • An extensive literature review
  • A day-long forum of stakeholders to provide expert input
  • Development of eight EV market penetration scenarios projecting out to 2050 and quantitative and qualitative impacts analysis based on those scenarios
  • Development of four case studies showcasing local deployment initiatives


A final report was released in June 2015. The findings of this project, and next steps taken, will help transportation agencies plan for new facilities, programs, and practices and to more quickly develop cost-effective strategies to support and encourage the use of EVs.

“Thanks for your good work in assembling and running yesterday’s forum.”
“I enjoyed the EV forum and look forward to more dialogue with our coalition members and others on this topic.”

—Feedback from FHWA EV Forum participants, April 16, 2013

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