EU Strategic Foresight

Study on Building and Piloting a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System for Future Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programs


On behalf of the European Commission’s DG RTD, ifok, in consortium with Cadmus, SAMI Consulting, and The Danish Board of Technology Foundation, developed a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System to support implementing Future R&I Framework Programmes. The objective was to develop a Strategic Intelligence Foresight System to support implementing Future R&I Framework Programmes to bridge foresight and policy, to enable policymakers to benefit from strategic foresight insights and processes to inform policy.


  • A collection of relevant source material through an expert-level and cross-institutional stock-taking of the needs of the strategic programming process.
  • A Strategic Intelligence Scenario Framework for EU R&I with a set of geographical and meta-scenarios that will serve as a context in the strategic analysis of relevant trends.
  • A source catalog and a proposed methodology and indicators for signposting, identifying, updating, and monitoring relevant emerging trends.
  • A piloted methodology for future-proofing R&I policy options, supported by an app to ease group facilitation and reporting.

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