Conference on the Future of Europe

An opportunity for citizens to have a say on key priorities and challenges of the European Union

Client: European Commission, European Parliament, European Council
Partner: Teamwork, Missions Publiques, Danish Board of Technology, deliberativa


The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) is an initiative of the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Parliament. It is a new, pan-European forum for open, inclusive, transparent, and structured dialogues with citizens on key priorities and challenges of the European Union. It presents an opportunity for citizens to have their say on what kind of Europe they want to live in. As a bottom-up forum, it will be accessible to citizens from all walks of life and all parts of the EU. The Conference includes online and offline events on a European, national, transnational, and regional level, as well as a multilingual interactive digital platform.

Key elements of the Conference are four European Citizens’ Panels. 800 randomly selected citizens from 27 Member States, reflecting the EU’s diversity, geographies, gender, age, socioeconomic background, and level of education, discuss and develop concrete policy recommendations in four topic areas:

  • A stronger economy, social justice, jobs, youth, sport, culture, education, digital transformation
  • European democracy, values, rights, rule of law, security
  • Climate change, environment, health
  • EU in the world, migration

ifok is in charge of designing and implementing together with an international network of partners and the overall process of the Citizens’ Panels.

This includes:

  • Conceptual and methodological development of the citizens’ deliberations
  • Implementation of the Panels’ online and offline meetings
  • Facilitation of the citizen deliberation

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