Baden-Württemberg Dialogue on Europe

Pathing a way to unite Europe by developing guiding principles

Client: State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg

With “Dialogue on Europe”, the State of Baden-Württemberg aimed to engage the general public in a participatory process to develop Baden Württemberg’s Guiding Principles on Europe. The aim was to actively shape the debate on the future of the European Union in Baden-Württemberg and thereby strengthen the values and themes that unite Europe. Diverse participants were engaged in the debate, from experts to randomly-selected citizens. ifok was responsible for designing and moderating the events and ensuring that results were integrated into the shared guiding principles of Europe.

ifok´s services included:

  • Guiding and supporting the overall participatory process and development of guiding principles
  • Designing, preparing, implementing, moderating, and documenting four citizen dialogues
  • Designing, preparing, implementing, moderating, and documenting Expert Fora and four Specialist Fora

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